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I Support The Regulation Of Social Media — Aisha Buhari




Aisha Buhari Drops 'Wife Of The President' Title

Aisha Buhari, wife of the president, on Friday, threw her weight behind the proposed legislation for the regulation of social media.

She made her opinion known on Friday at the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) general assembly meeting in Abuja.

“On this issue of social media, you cannot just sit in the comfort of your house and tweet that the Vice President has resigned. It is a serious issue.

“If China can control over 1.3 billion people on social media, I see no reason why Nigeria cannot attempt controlling only 180 million people.

“We should either fasten our seatbelt or do the needful or we will all regret it very soon because, at the rate things are going, things are getting completely out of hand,” she said.

“The VP (Yemi Osinbajo) is here, some ministers are here, they are supposed to do justice to the situation.

“People cannot afford potable water in this country while we have governors. Since this is the highest decision-making body of Islamic affairs, for those that are listening, we should fear God, and we should know that one day, we will return to God and account for our deeds here on earth,” Aisha said

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