Paedophilia Does Not Kill Anyone — Catholic Reverend

A priest in Rhode Island has defended his decision to bar 44 lawmakers, who voted in favor of the Reproductive Privacy Act, by saying ‘pedophilia doesn’t kill anyone’ but abortion does.
Rev. Richard Bucci, of Sacred Heart Church in West Warwick, shared the names of people banned from receiving communion at his parish in a flier last month.
‘In accord with the teaching of the Catholic Church for 2000 years, the following members of the legislature may NOT receive Holy Communion, as are all the officers of the state of Rhode Island, as well as Rhode Island’s members of Congress,’ the flier read.
‘In addition, they will not be allowed to act as witnesses to marriage, godparents, or lectors at weddings, funerals or any other church function.’
Rev. Richard Bucci said Sunday: ‘We are not talking about any other moral issue’ where people connect pedophilia and abortion. ‘Pedophilia doesn’t kill anyone and this does’
Rev. Richard Bucci shared the names of people banned from receiving communion at his parish in a flier last month. He said they ‘will not be allowed to act as witnesses to marriage, godparents, or lectors at weddings, funerals or any other church function’
Bucci denies asking one lawmaker to leave in the middle of a relative’s funeral Mass, instead saying he told her she could not deliver a eulogy because it was not allowed
One lawmaker who claims she was molested at the church by a priest who is now deceased, has said the flier was retaliation for championing the state’s law to extend the statute of limitations for child sex abuse survivors.
The allegations of the reverend being part of a wider cover-up in the church’s sex abuse scandal stem from Democrat State Representative Carol Hagan McEntee’s claim that from the age of five she and her sister Ann were molested by a priest at Bucci’s church for seven years. The priest is now dead.
The sisters championed the state’s law to extend the statute of limitations for child sex abuse survivors and believes Bucci is ‘taking issue with this, out of all the churches in Rhode Island’.
‘Personally, I feel this is a continued attack by him on me and my family because of what happened to my sister. And he’s come up with this latest way,’ McEntee told CBS News.
Credit: Daily Mail